RUBY CONNOR from the U17s Rep Team
has been talent identified at the recent Senior NSW State Titles at Liverpool
Congratulations Ruby
Netball NSW selectors attended all divisions of the SST to talent ID athletes that showed future potential & was selected as part of this group of athletes
Ruby has worked extremely hard over the years fine tuning her netball skills on the court & during training
This acknowledgment is so well deserved
ENA congratulate Ruby on her hard work all season as part of her representative team and also away from her rep training sessions that have enabled her to play at such a high standard of netball
All that have been involved with Rubys progression over the years are extremely proud of her and speak highly of Ruby’s commitment to her netball game & the teams she plays with along the way.
Such a positive mature young lady, a fabulous role model for younger athletes to look up to
Again congratulations Ruby!