HART senior state titles are this weekend in Newcastle
Wishing all Eurobodalla players from 15’s,17’s & Opens the best of luck
Play hard, play fair but most importantly represent the south coast, Eurobodalla netball association well
Big thanks goes to our coaches, assist coaches & team managers, support crew of our players & rep co-ordinator & all involved with supporting & developing the teams in preparation for these titles
Team white is Abby Dawson & Phoebe Kinnane along with
2 umpires also from Illawarra netball association
15’s rep
Amelia Sacoor
Danika Edwards
Emily Borg
Matilda Buck
Mia Blunden
Mia Lasscock
Pypar McCarthy
Sara James
Stella Horne
Coach-Kerrie Mars
A/coach-Lyndall McCarthy
T/manager-Jane Edwards
17’s rep
Amelia Wilks
Claire Ovington
Holly Kinnane
Jade Wilson
Kehlei Pendlebury
Lana Wheat
Ruby Connor
Sienna Plested
Tiffany Johnston
Coach-Kate Blackmore
A/coach-Cat Johnston
T/manager-Leanne Ovington
Opens rep
Chloe DeWinter
Corrine Davies
Crystal Aitken
Demi Black
Emily Kinnane
Jazzlyn Barnes
Jenna Wilson
Joanne Flood
Josephine Eberle
Michelle Connor
Naomi Paolo
Coach-Donna Clarke
A/Coach-Michelle Hendrie